
Patricia Michael, MFA: Landscape Designer and Permaculture Consultant

As a consultant, Patricia Michael is a teacher. She will teach you what is possible, give you language for that possibility, and help you make it happen.

Patricia’s experience – over twenty years – gives her a deep understanding of ecological design. She works closely with you, your architect and contractor to design your site for beauty, utility and sustainability.

Patricia is an artist who works in four dimensions: the three dimensions of space and the dimension of time. Her landscapes change through the seasons and years to provide you with ongoing beauty in your surroundings.

Patricia offers consulting services in the following areas:

  • Site planning on raw land, new buildings and rehabs, both residential and commercial. She will work as your representative in collaboration with your engineers, architects, designers, contractors and subcontractors. She brings an understanding of how systems change over time and can create durable, well-planned and cost-effective solutions. She helps you save money by thinking through things in the initial design stages. Patricia thoughtfully becomes acquainted with your site. She gathers detailed information from you to help her understand your wants and needs and the history of the site. She carefully examines the site, engaging in a visual and visceral dialogue as she wanders and observes, gleaning revelations of its past and taking into account its many possible futures. The result is a design that is functional, doable and beautiful.
  • Patricia specializes in solving water problems, such as occasional flooding, very cost-effectively.
  • “Greening” commercial and residential spaces. She can help you save money, protect the environment, and enhance your enjoyment of your space.


Environmental Consulting and Site Design

Over twenty years experience using a whole-systems approach to ecological design to produce systems that are ecologically sound and economically viable.

  • Landscape and site design
  • Landscape management
  • “Green” commercial buildings
  • Livable subdivisions
  • Land use planning
  • Organizational dynamics and development

Education and Training

Over twenty years experience in teaching, lecturing and conducting workshops.

  • Sustainable living technologies
  • Organic agriculture
  • Over twenty deliveries of the full Permaculture Design Certification course
  • Over one hundred seminars in Permaculture Design
  • Has lectured and presented in the US, Mexico, El Salvador, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, France, Czech Republic, Portugal, Switzerland, Australia and New Zealand